Estate of mind from Jemma Goulds on Vimeo.
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
these shots are from Kidulthood.
1. in the first shot you see that the production company is established, it uses the colours blue and black which makes the blue stand out. this production company is known as it makes a lot of films like Kidulthood and adulthood which have the same target audience as us.
2.the next shot is of the film title, the audience get to know what the film is called. the font and the name signifies that the film is aimed at youths as the title starts with KID which shows that it at it is about kids, also the hood shows that it is about gangs of youth and that protecting your area has something to do with the film.
3. in this shot you see a gang of youths with hoodies so they are represented to be the bad people like they are in a gang, also they look like they are looking to pick on somebody from their facial expressions. the girl is in the middle, is the girl that they are picking on so you know that this film has something to do about bulling and standing up for yourself.
4. the boy and girl kissing in school signifies that in this film, one of the aspects will be how got the better looking girlfriend, also that youth are represented to have underage sex and that they just go kissing anyone they want to showing that you cannot control the youths in London.
5.this shot shows all of the bully's together looking for how will be their next victim which signifies that in the schools of London that there are a lot of bullies in London schools and that everyone is scared of the these days. this shot we see that something is been hidden which could be a weapon or it could be drugs which signifies that drugs and weapons are being taken into schools, which depicts that London schools are dangerous and that teenagers are involved all types of crime. this shot we see two teenagers smoking drugs in school is depicts that you cannot control students, that they can do anything that they want. it also depicts that teenagers can get anyway with anything that they want to. it also shows that this school at the students go to is a dad school, that properly gets bad grades. this shot there is an confrontation with the teacher and the student and from the facial expression you see that he got more of the authority. so the teachers cannot stand up to the students so the students can do what they want so if they don't class nothing much will happen to them so they are losing out on their education.
9. this shot is an extreme close up of a students lashing out of on somebody, this signifies that if you try to tell the students to do something they don't want to do they will get angry at you. this representation is what all youths are seen to do in London schools.

this is shots from my film opening
1. the first shot is of one of the titles, the background is clouds that are red and grey. the red symbolizes the danger and blood that is going to happen in the film. it foreshadows that someone is going to die but leaves the audiences questioning who is going to be the victim.
2. the second shot is an establishing shot of London, it shows where the film is set and also we wanted it in the dark to show that when the sun goes down the the crime begins, this foreshadows that something bad is going to happen.
3.this shot is a shot of three shot classes having vodka being poured into it but instead of the drink increasing we reversed it on Adobe After Effects so the drinks gets less as more is being poured out.we also made it black and white to give it more of an effect. the effect on the audience is that it gives off an enigma so the audience don't know what is happening. this draws the audience more in to watch the film and see how everything ties up. this shot you have a CCTV of terry walking which depicts where ever you go you are being watched and that the area that Terry is in is a bad area because police are monitoring it with the CCTV cameras. it effects the audience because they begin to think that something is going to happen because terry is being watched, like he is going to caught in a trap.
5. in this shot, there is a confrontation with Terry and Myrin which signifies that in the film there is going to be a battle between characters for who is the most supervisor person. because of this the genre becomes a more clearer. this shot shows the tension between these to characters.
6. in youth slag this is a shot of youth jamming which is when teenagers come together and drink and take drugs . an effect is put on the shot to show that they are so high that they are no more aware of what they are doing. this shot is an introduction to Josephine. this is the representation that is given to the youth of London.
7.this is a shot of the cocaine, showing that youth enjoy taking drugs. we put ma red filter on the drugs tom show the danger of drugs and to make the drugs be noticed by the audience. even though the drugs are dangerous the teenagers are seen not to care.
8. this is a shot of a split screen of the three main characters, this shot connects all three characters together so it shows the audience who are the main characters. as Terry has the biggest section shows that terry is the main attention. we put some effects on the shot to that they are not happy the way everything is going. like they do not know how they are anymore.
9.last shot is of the main title the background is red to foreshadow that there will be a death in the film and it attracts the audience to watch on to find out who is going to be killed.
estate of mind eval act3 part 1 from Jemma Goulds on Vimeo.
estate of mind eval act 3 part 2 from Jemma Goulds on Vimeo.
our target audience is 16-27 years old, male and female. we chose this target audience because our film is based on characters this age range and also every youth knows about what goes on in the streets of London from taking part in it or seeing it on the news. also we included most aspects that youth are involved in for example things like parties, drugs and gang wars. as we our genre is drama we portrayed the lives that youth are living in this day and age.
to find out what audience enjoy watching we did some research which our help us make our target audience:

type of target audience that would watch our film:

name: James Jenkins
gender: male
age: 18
likes: most sports, going out with friends,
dislikes: the estate he lives on and reading
extra information:
- James use to be in a gang
- James has got a criminal record for drugs and robbery
- goes college studying business
- he is trying to change his life.
James would be attracted to watch our film because he can relate to Terry because like Terry he use to sell drugs and rob people to make money so that he could support his mother. like Terry James is trying to change his lives. also aspects that James is faced with everyday is included in the film.
name: Liam Kingsley
gender: male
age: 17
likes: rugby, parties, going out and computer
dislikes: being robbed, school and waiting for buses
extra information:
- Liam has been robbed a couple of times
- he has a baby girl
- he has a Sunday job
- use to take a lot of drugs
Liam would be attracted to watch this film because like James, Liam can relate to the film he has a a child like Josephine and also like Josephine Liam use to be addicted to drugs. Liam also can relate to the characters in the film that get robbed as he has been robbed a couple of times. also the aspects that he is faced with everyday are included in the film.
- computer- to put our project together
- mobile- to contact each other
- marantz voice recorder- to record voice over part
- digital camera- to take pictures
- tripod- to keep camera steady
- video camera- to record outside school
- HD camera- record in school
these decisions where made in the several meeting that we had.
we used the computer so that we could be able to use different types of software's and the Internet. Also we as going to store our project on the computer. The programmes we used on the computer:
1. Adobe Premier Pro
Adobe Premier Pro was used to edit our opening and put everything together like soundtrack, titles and order of footage. we had a tutorial were we were able to learn how to edit and use different functions on the programme that would help make our editing look good.
2. Adobe After effects we used Adobe affects to create effects for our opening, we also used it to make our production logo and titles, after effects allowed us to make our opening more attractable. we was able to use it after we had been given a tutorial and anything that we did not know how to use we we watched demos which showed use step by step what to do.
3. Photoshop Photoshop was used to edit our profile pictures. it was my first time using photoshop so i was able to learn how to brighten the picture and add text around the image to annotate it.
4.Google images Google images was used to find images for my moodboard and to find images for my blog. Google images helped because it helped my to make my blog more presentable
4.Google web search engine Google help with the research that i needed to do before planning my opening. Also we was able to find out a lot of sites that would be useful to use like free sounds, we was going to get our soundtrack from this website but Duane made an excellent soundtrack fitted more with the theme.
5.Windows Media Player We imported the opening into a file that would play on windows media player from Adobe Premier Pro so that we all would have access to it and share it with friends so that we would be able to get feedback and see whys to improve the opening.
6.Blogger Blogger was used to put our planning and researching together and to show what all happened in the production of the opening.
7.YouTube YouTube was used to view different types of openings for our research, also to listen to different types of music to see what genre will got best with our opening, also we was able to watch tutorials to see how to do certain things.
8.soundcloud we used soundcloud to upload our soundtrack onto this and then share it onto our blog.
9.Vimeo we loaded our rough cut, final cut and preliminary task onto vimeo so that we could share it onto our blogs and that the play quality would be good.
10.slideshare slideshare was used to upload PowerPoint's onto our blogs
- use video cameras correctly both HD and digital
- use adobe premier pro and adobe after effects
- position the camera correctly so that the lightening is correct and that their are not any shadows
- i learn how film producers put films together.
AS preliminary task from Jemma Goulds on Vimeo.
Estate of mind from Jemma Goulds on Vimeo.
When working on my preliminary task, there was not that much that was required of me to know and to do. whereas with the opening there was a lot more that was needed to do and there was more skills that needed to be imputed into the opening. in the preliminary task editing was just cutting we was not using editing techniques. in the final product i learn how to make the footage fade and dissolve whereas in the preliminary task all i had to was cut. i learnt how to add sound to the footage and how to extract the footage from sound and how to put then together. while working on the opening i learnt how to use the camera properly like how how to screen the video setting from wide to normal and how to set up the sound settings on the HD camera. in the final product i learnt how to position the camera so that you avoid the light being too bright or too dark, also how to avoid shadows. i learnt how to use the filming room properly like working the lights.
in the production of the final product i was able to learn how to use programmes like adobe premier pro and adobe after effects, how to annotate on YouTube and how to use photoshop. after learning how to use these programmes, they allowed me to be able to enhance the quality of our final product. also we started using the tripod in the final product which improved the camerawork because the camera was steady.
in the preliminary task i learnt how to add basic title fonts on Adobe Premier Pro but with the opening of the film, i was using adobe after affects to make our titles and production logo, i learnt after having a tutorial that using this program that i would be able to add effects to the titles and make it more exciting.
i learnt how to add effects like a red filter which we used in the drug scene to show the drugs more. another effect that i learnt is how to make the colour go black and white and reverse the action, we used this with the smoke scene and the alcohol scene.